For my YearAbroad starting July 2013.

July 2013 : Paris

September 2013 - March 2014 : Ferrara, Italy

March 2014 - September 2014 : Modena, Italy


Sundays are for sleeping.

Being a Sunday and the 14th of July, in true French style, not much was open yesterday. It was also a million degrees outside. Therefore, we decided that the best thing to do was to have a lie in, sit indoors and watch the parade on the TV. Good decision in hindsight. At 6pm it was off to the pretty Parc de la Tour Saint-Jacques by Chatelet to soak up the last of the rays, then off to watch the fireworks.....

I had read on the BBC website that we should go somewhere with a view over La Tour d'Eiffel, and it suggested Belleville park. So to avoid the crowds that is where we went.At first, the park seemed to be locked and we couldn't see much sign of life. Having traveled 30 mins to get there this was slightly worrying as we might miss the whole thing! But turning a corner, we found that hundreds of people were piling in the top entrance, trying to shotgun the best spot.
The only trouble was we couldn't see the Eiffel Tower... And whats the first rule of watching a firework display? Know where you're facing.           Putain.

So we just sat on the grass, with a bottle of wine and waited.

 Inevitably we were facing the wrong direction so as soon as the first explosion went off, it was a stampede to the other side of the park. But after some elbowing through the crowds the bloody TREES were in the way and all we could see were a few red sparks.... So to sum up, all we saw of the 14th July fireworks were trees and rows and rows of heads. Greatttttttt.

Well, at least we know for next year...

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